2024《情人先生第一季》英国都市情感 更新至第2集/共8集 迅雷磁力网盘下载

  • 至第2集 / 共8集
  • 原名:Mr Loverman Season 1
  • 别名:
  • 编剧:纳撒尼尔·普雷斯
  • 导演:许泰丰
  • 主演:连尼·詹姆斯,莎伦·D·克拉克,阿利安·巴克瑞
  • 首播日期:2024-10-14(英国)
  • 翻译: 暂无字幕组翻译 适合生肉党观看
  • 单集片长:63分钟
  • 类型:都市情感

  Lennie James will play Barrington Jedidiah Walker, or Barry to his friends, a Caribbean-born life-and-soul personality living in Hackney who has been harboring a secret for years. Carmel, his wife of 50 years, knows Barry has been cheating on her, but when it emerges that the affair has been going on for decades with his male best friend, Morris, their marriage goes into meltdown. Now entering the next chapter of his life, Barry has big choices to make that will force his whole family to question their own futures.




2024《qingrenxianshengdiyiji》yingguodushiqinggan gengxinzhidi2ji/gong8ji xunleiciliwangpanxiazai情人先生第一季、情人、先生、第一季、英国、都市、情感、更新、迅雷、磁力、网盘、下载

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